Category Archives: Spice Mixes

Garam Masala

A lot of Indian dishes starts with whole spices tempered in hot oil and ends with a sprinkle of Garam Masala. Making Garam Masala at home is easy and a homemade garam masala is the key to any flavorful Indian curry. Kankana, the wonderful author and incredibely talented photographer behind the Indian Food Blog Playful Cooking, put […]

Introducing “My Spice Sage” for all your spice needs!

Yin Yang Storage Bin Set in black and white filled with spices

Here at GitaDini we love spices! The inspiration behind the GitaDini Yin Yang Storage Bin Set was the traditional Indian Spice Box a.k.a. Masala Dabba. Pretty much every Indian household owns at least one Masala Dabba, this is where the spices for everyday cooking are kept. The typical Masala Dabba is round, made from stainless steel […]